Journaling for


Alleviate stress through journaling, this time we WON'T let you quit

A journal that keeps you accountable
Just follow our verbose installation instructions and get up and running with your own personal Terminal-Based Journal in just a few minutes.
Termbook isn't just a program to make text files. It's a complete journaling system built to keep developers on their self-discovery journey.
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How it works
We know you're busy and that's why we built Termbook around your schedule.
Journaling helps you grow through personal reflection and there's no other better way for developers to Journal than Termbook. Termbook

features a seamless CLI interface for submitting your journals, ensuring you don't have to remember to go to some random website each day. Termbook integrates seamlessly into your daily work flow by prompting you once a day to write an entry of at least 50 words for your Journal. Our program won't let you progress until you submit your daily entry, so you know you won't forget. All this allows Termbook to you empower you with a new day's worth of personal growth every day.
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Hello Termbook
Say goodbye to yoyo journaling, with Termbook you'll never miss a journal entry again.
Termbook keeps you accountable. We know how hard it is to keep submitting to a Journal every day, but we also know how important it is to your personal growth and mental health. That's why we made sure you couldn't just Ctrl + C your way out of this one.
A study published in the Journal of clinical Psychology showed participants who engaged in expressive writing experienced a significant decrease in depressive symptoms, with scores dropping by an average of 17% over the course of the study. The University of Rochester Medical Center study reported a 40% reduction in self-reported stress levels among participants who journaled regularly for at least 10 minutes a day over the course of two weeks. This is why we built Termbook how we did, everyone owes themselves these things.
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